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Applying for the NM Healthy Soil program

This series of videos and documents are designed to help Individual Applicants apply for the FY26 HSP grants through the NM Department of Agriculture. Click on each video in the series to learn about the process in short, manageable steps. Document links are provided. We recommend you download them into a file titled YOURNAME_HSP_FY26 to make uploading documents into the online application easier.

Welcome to the video series on Applying for the Healthy Soil Program! In this video, I provide tips on preparing for the site visit and working with program materials. Make sure to download templates, guidance documents, and approved practices list. Take notes on your planning template and identify resource concerns and practices. Don’t forget to create a soil map or ecological site survey. Your task is to follow the checklist links and start planning your application!

Downloading Documents and Contacting Partners

Getting the most out of your conservation plan

Grant Writing Basics

Completing your timeline and budget, Part I

Completing your budget and spreadsheet, part II

Writing The Narrative

The final step, uploading and submitting


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