Community in Action: Emergency Shelter

Community in Action: Emergency Shelter

In response to the recent Code Blue emergency, the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Institute (SFFMI) rallied the power of community to provide warmth, meals, and safety for our neighbors in need. On Monday, January 20, and Tuesday, January 21, the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market...
The Local Food for All Project

The Local Food for All Project

The Local Food for All Project The Institute initiated Local Food for All/Comida Local para Todos in the summer of 2023 with tremendous support from The Christus Fund. The idea for this was generated based on feedback from partners and community members that many...
The Healthy Soil Project

The Healthy Soil Project

The Healthy Soil Project In 2023 we piloted a Healthy Soil Project idea. We leveraged Institute funding to help four farmers and one rancher apply for the New Mexico Healthy Soils Program (NM HSP). We hired a conservation planning contractor, Steve Kadas, to perform...