Thank You
Simply said, we couldn’t do the
work that we do, without you!
Volunteer contributions are appreciated in a number of areas of the Institute’s work: office support and special event production are just two. At the Market on Tuesdays and Saturdays, specially-trained volunteers help serve our customers at the fast-paced Information Booth and assisting farmers as Docents.
Market Programs Manager Anna Griswold is mindful of our volunteers’ talents and interests, and conscientiously schedules volunteers to use their time wisely.
In 2021, the Institute benefited from 1,050 volunteer hours which added the equivalent of $29,925 in labor to the organization.
In addition to our dedicated Board of Directors and Committee Members, we express our appreciation to the following individuals who gave generously of their time and talent to support the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Institute.
Become a Volunteer!
Raquel Aguirra
Anna Belian
Beth Bell
Sandy Brice
Chris Castro
Sue Cosman
Mary Dixon
Tom Dixon
Nathaniel Earls
Sharon Eklund
James Gould
Gail Grimes
Flora Guiterrez
Mary Holcomb
Cheryl Johnson
Marsha Jones
Robert W. Jones J.D.
Kody Kantor
Lisa Kantor
Kaitlyn Kimzey
Michael Knight
Ann Lavine
Gabriela Leon
Catherine Lewis
David Loeb
Ann MacVicar
Josina Martinez
Monica Martinez-Pringle
Kay Matsumoto
Gail Meyer
Russ Mitchell
Nicole Musolf
Catherine N.H. Lewis
Emily Pacheco
Jonni Lu Pool
Sharon Potter
Greg Pringle
Evangeline Raeple
Melissa Ramirez
Diane Sandoval-Griego
Sharon Shoemaker
Evangeline Swift
Debbie Taylor
Rebecca Tobey
Kalsey Vandermark
Pam Walker
Marina Yabarra